Male Fertility

Conception essentially requires the best of both partners to create a healthy viable embryo. At AcuLife we have acquired an extensive knowledge-base through the management of cases over the years to help and address common male factors associated with infertility. We will create a personalised plan to enhance your potential to become a father.

Where there is even a small problem in any of the male parameters it can be the main cause for couples not conceiving naturally. Male fertility depends upon three things:

1. Adequate production of spermatozoa by the testes
2. Unobstructed transit of sperm through the seminal tract, and
3. Satisfactory delivery to the ovum

Most infertility evaluations for men include an analysis of a man’s semen. One or more samples are sent to a laboratory and analysed for:

1. Deficient sperm count (less than 20 million per milliliter; volume should be 1 to 5 milliliters of ejaculate),
2. Insufficient sperm motility (over 50 percent should be motile and demonstrate purposeful forward movement),
3. And/or poor sperm morphology (more than 30 percent normal form, per WHO criteria; 5% Kruger analysis)

At AcuLife our treatment protocols are complimented by years of empirical science; our goal is to bring the best of the Eastern and Western medicine into an effective treatment of male reproductive health issues. Our practitioners have advanced training in Chinese Reproductive Medicine and experience with IVF protocols.  Our team are constantly updating their skills to ensure the best possible results are achieved for our patients. Our treatments have the ability to increase the parameters of sperm motility, morphology and count. This in turn has a marked improvement in erectile function and libido. With these developmets in male fertility, we see clinical improvements in the numbers of patients conceiving, who previously were having difficulties.


Men's Fertility Treatment Plans

PLAN A - Acupuncture - Supplements - Herbs

Acupuncture: Once a week for up to 6 months.
Chinese Herbs: 4 weeks with 2 week break and another 4 weeks
Sperm Diet: Our onsite nutritionalist will advice on dietary aspects
Supplements: Omega 3 Oils, CoQ10, a good Multivitamin,  Fertility Plus for men, L-arginine, Maca, folic acid, & Zinc.
Lifestyle: Changes will be dependent on a person by person basis.

PLAN B -  Acupuncture only

Acupuncture: Once a week for up to 6 months.
Sperm Diet: Our onsite nutritionalist will advice on dietary aspects
Supplements: Omega 3 Oils, CoQ10, a good Multivitamin,  Fertility Plus for men, L-arginine, Maca, folic acid, & Zinc.
Lifestyle: Changes will be dependent on a person by person basis.

Men’s IVF/ICSI Treatment Plan

When a couple is about to undertake IVF/ICSI it is important to ensure that the couple are at optimum health, physically and emotionally. The clinics will harvest the largest number of eggs that are viable, however the important factor is not the number of eggs but the fertilisation rates of sperm and egg. When the couple are at optimum health we have seen a massive jump in fertilisation rates, this inturn increase the chance of a successful pregnancy by 70%.

Treatment Plan

Treatment duration: 8 weeks (prior to IVF/ICSI)
Acupuncture treatment: once a week
Sperm Diet: our Nutritionalist will create a personalised fertility
Supplements: Omega 3 Oils, CoQ10, a good Multivitamin,  Fertility Plus for men, L-arginine, Maca, folic acid, & Zinc.

Typical Sperm Diet/Supplementation:

Anti-oxidants - Free radicals (which float around the body and damage other cells), said to be responsible for 40 percent of sperm damage.
Amino Acids - The building blocks of life. Necessary for egg and sperm production.
Vitamin A - Essential for the production of male sex hormones.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - Together with zinc, B6 is essential for the formation of male sex hormones
Vitamin B12 - Low levels can cause abnormal sperm production, reduced sperm counts, and reduced motility.
Vitamin C - An antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals.
Vitamin E - may help the sperm penetrate the egg.
Selenium - It is needed to properly shape sperm and to maintain count.
Manganese - Deficiency may cause testicular degeneration, congenital malformations, sterility, low sex drive, low sperm count.
Zinc -  It is needed for testosterone metabolism, testicle growth, sperm production, motility, count, reducing excess estrogen in male reproductive tissue.
Coenzyme Q10 - Important for energy production. Fertilization rates may rise when taking this supplement. It also improves blood flow.

Please Note: It is essential that advice from a qualified nutritionist should be sought before taking any supplements to rule out contraindications based on previous medical history or other factors.

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